The best choice for you is the one you can do consistently. Don't mind getting up early? Go in the morning. But if you think 5 am is a good time to go to bed, early morning workouts may not be your cup of tea. You know your schedule better than we do. Figure out what you can do regularly without your work/family/body…
Check out used sporting good stores. EBay, Amazon, etc. Just watch out for shipping charges. The advantage and problem with buying weights is that they never go bad, so there is no reason to discount them, other than to move them out for a higher profit margin item
I had a herniated disc that kept me out of the gym for almost three years. I've had full clearance to return (except for high torque stuff like judo) for almost a year now. Some things I still haven't gotten back to where I was. It will take time - especially if you are older. Just keep on doing what you can and make the…
Sorry - I don't know how to imbed videos. But a couple of my favorites are: Swing, Sweet Pussycat (Atomic Fireballs) - great with a kettlebell Weapon of Choice (Fatboy Slim) - again, goes great with a KB Batman '66 Theme Song (numerous covers, but the Manatees instrumental version is my favorite) Barber of Skaville…
There are a number of How-To videos on Youtube for rope skipping. Pick one that seems to make sense to you and just go practice. An important thing though - make sure you are getting a rope that works for your height, or adjust where you hold the rope. Too short and you'll catch your feet. Too long and it will bounce off…
An L5/S1 injury is in the lower back. Check with your Dr before switching in deadlifts. The last thing you want to do is make it worse. I had one of those several years back. It kept me out of the gym for over two years. I have clearance to go back, but they still want me to avoid heavy DL's and squats. But by "heavy"…