Freeglerock Member


  • @timibotkin what a lovely space you have for you gardens. What are you growing? @nstephenson01 love your garden as well - your raised beds are immaculate! One of my allotments has raised beds (not quite as high though), initially built in 2008/9. Each year now we have to rebuild parts. Hoping my other half will rebuild the…
  • User ID: Freeglerock Week Number: 4 Previous weight: 186.9 Current weight: 185.7 Morning all. Been an incredibly busy week, work has been full, as has allotment with getting bed repaired and plants in the ground. Friday evening I went for a socially distant drink with my neighbour - 8 hours later, way too much wine drunk,…
  • User ID: Freeglerock Week Number: 3 Previous weight: 190.0 Current weight: 186.9 Think a good portion of that belongs to last week! And glad I didn't ruin it last night. Last week I committed to 3 things (logging everything, exercising 30min 5x and posting here everyday) - and it worked to keep me on the straight and…
  • Thank you @nstephenson01 and @GingerPwr. The process of writing it down really helped. As did your responses. After writing the post, I went and said goodnight to the kids. Ben wanted me to read to him, so spent 15 minute reading "You wouldn't want to live without.... Poo!" Lovely factual, bedtime reading! (I miss reading…
  • Evening all. Feeling rather deflated at the moment. Today has been incredibly frustrating and has just kind of got to me. Really had to focus in getting some "work" work done, but juggling the kids with it today was impossible. And my son really did not want to do his school work. His teacher had set an interesting…
  • @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx it is scary to think that you were not even in the healthy BMI range in your "thin" photo. In my head I have top end healthy BMI as being my goal, but may rethink this! Thank you for sharing. Glad your recovery has gone well, and you most definitely have a great attitude to weight loss now.
  • *sic wide berth, not wife birth 🤣😂🤣😂
  • Check in: Sun 16th Food: logged and under (using less than 1/2 exercise cals - 200) Water: ok Exercise: 90min cycle ride Rest day ended up being gardening for 6hrs then a 1 1/2 1hr cycle ride! Some of my plants that are waiting to go to the allotment (that are hanging out on my decking in pots) got trashed by a hedgehog…
  • Check in: Sat 16th Food: logged and under (using some exercise cals) Water: ok Exercise: 1hr BodyPump Did a Body pump class yesterday (at home). Was concerned that I may not have pushed myself enough afterwards as couldn't "feel" it. But, wow, on waking this morning I certainly feel achy. Think I may have today as a rest…
  • Check in: Fri 15th Food: logged and under Water: ok Exercise: 90min cycle ride Spent most of Friday in the garden/greenhouse moving things out of the greenhouse, to transition to the allotment now it looks like the risk of frost has passed. Did start doing this a couple of weeks ago, but had to get everything back in the…
  • @nstephenson01 That looks so scrummy! Definitely my kind of food!
  • Check in: Thurs 14th Food: logged and over by 13 cals (but that included all exercise calories earnt) Water: ok Exercise: 35min Body step and 20min Body Groove Did the body step in the morning, then spent the day attempting to work whilst assisting son with school work and daughter with games. Finished just after 4pm,…
  • Check in: Weds 13th Food: logged and under goal Water: Good Exercise: 35min Body step and 25min Body groove Met my daily goals yesterday that I set myself for the week. Did the exercise late in the evening (I bought a Reebok step online that arrive yesterday). Knowing I had committed myself to 5 day exercise, and not…
  • User ID: Freeglerock Week Number: 2 Previous weight: 189.8 Current weight: 190.0 I gained 0.2lb. I'm finding consistency hard - I have a week of eating well, and then something will start to creep in! This past week it has been alcohol. I have been enjoying a couple of glasses (or a bottle) of sparkling wine in the…
  • Checking in! (For last few days) Food: Have been on plan since Sunday Water: not great, but am getting better at having a water bottle nearby Exercise: yesterday was a rest day other than a walk with the kids. Starting to feel a little less motivated to exercise. I have been doing some workouts in the evenings, but last…
  • User ID: Freeglerock Week Number: 1 Previous weight: 192.7 Current weight: 189.8 Hairy moment midway through when a Chinese takeaway caused me to gain over 5 lbs - but that went in 2 days, and then I lost a little more :-) Been skirting around the 190lb mark for a while now, but I think this is the first official Wednesday…
  • Saturday check-in Food - good until dinner Water - didn't track Exercise - none, other than gardening Been really focused all week. Eating well and getting exercise in. Yesterday started off well. Pottering about with jobs at home and bits in the greenhouse, then we all headed to the allotment. Main job was to plant out my…
  • Sorry for late steps! Tues 8,032 Weds 10,077 Thurs 3,629 Fri 4,394 Sat 3,542
  • @tryingagain5 I feel your pain - this year so far has been lose, gain, lose, gain. Always the same 5/6 pounds! A new month is a good time to refocus and get fully back in the game :-) @Cafelelia sorry, I did not realise you had been unwell - so pleased you are feeling somewhat better, and well done on the hike! Take care…
  • User ID: Freeglerock Week Number: 5 (?) Previous weight: 194 Current weight: 192.7 Wasn't really expecting a loss as have only been back on track since Sunday, but happy I have :-) Tuesday check in: Food: logged and under Water: didn't measure (but did substitute a couple of coffees for fruit/herbal teas, so better than…
  • Check in: Sunday 26th Food: logged and under goal Water: approx 55oz Exercise: 70min cardio Steps 13,764 Check in: Monday 27th Food: logged and under goal (only just - and saved by the exercise!) Water: did not track, but not enough Exercise: 45min cardio and 20min yoga Steps 10,075 I currently have my goal set to lose…
  • Freeglerock Week: 4 Weigh-in day: wednesay Previous weight: did not weigh Current weight:194 Lockdown really does make this whole health lifestyle hard. Especially with the beautiful weather we are having at the moment (perfect for barbecues and bottle a of wine!). This past week I have been looking at and trying out…
  • Terrible steps mid this week! Sun 3808 Mon 6522 Tue 1767 Wed 1158 Thu 1871 Fri 14885 Sat 9730
  • Starting weight 15st 8.5 Start weight this month 13st 8.6 Goal weight this month 13st 3.6 Target goal weight 11st 0 My goal this month is to no longer be obese BMI! Started 9th Nov. Nov lost: 10.4lb Dec lost: 7.7lb Jan lost: 9.1lb Feb GAIN: 6lb (bereavement/quit smoking) Mar lost: 6.7lb 1 Apr - 13st 8.8 (+0.2lb) 2 Apr -…
  • Starting weight 15st 8.5 Start weight this month 13st 8.6 Goal weight this month 13st 3.6 Target goal weight 11st 0 My goal this month is to no longer be obese BMI! Started 9th Nov. Nov lost: 10.4lb Dec lost: 7.7lb Jan lost: 9.1lb Feb GAIN: 6lb (bereavement/quit smoking) Mar lost: 6.7lb 1 Apr - 13st 8.8 (+0.2lb) 2 Apr -…
  • User ID: Freeglerock Week Number: 2 Previous weight: 190.8 Current weight: 192.1 Hi everyone. Ok. Could be worse. Am dragging myself out of hiding for this weigh in. I am finding staying motivated to eat healthily and exercise difficult. I think the good weather isn't helping! Over the last few days we have had outdoor…
  • Steps: Wednesday 10,099 Thursday 5,074 Friday 10,894 Saturday 4,901
  • Starting weight 15st 8.5 Start weight this month 13st 8.6 Goal weight this month 13st 3.6 Target goal weight 11st 0 My goal this month is to no longer be obese BMI! Started 9th Nov. Nov lost: 10.4lb Dec lost: 7.7lb Jan lost: 9.1lb Feb GAIN: 6lb (bereavement/quit smoking) Mar lost: 6.7lb 1 Apr - 13st 8.8 (+0.2lb) 2 Apr -…
  • Starting weight 15st 8.5 Start weight this month 13st 8.6 Goal weight this month 13st 3.6 Target goal weight 11st 0 My goal this month is to no longer be obese BMI! Started 9th Nov. Nov lost: 10.4lb Dec lost: 7.7lb Jan lost: 9.1lb Feb GAIN: 6lb (bereavement/quit smoking) Mar lost: 6.7lb 1 Apr - 13st 8.8 (+0.2lb) 2 Apr -…