Ever since quarantine has started I've made barely any changes to my diet, always loved to bake and have about the same amount of time to do so as I did before with working from home and taking care of a kid. If anything, it's easier now that I'm not volunteering in a cafeteria that gives me free nachos. But my exercise on…
An absolute catastrophe of a bubble waflle, possibly cinammon or berry themed
Super inspiring :)
Great job! And losing all that is just going to make moving around even easier, it's the little things. Cutting out soda is the first thing I did too, was overweight straight out the womb and almost 200 lbs by middle school.
they've been nasty since birth; every time i try one, because everyone else is so hyped over them, i end up disappointed
Allow yourself to have a cookie or two, then have dinner and pack the rest away and know that you have a yummy treat waiting for your mornings. When something seems forbidden, it's far more tempting. Have to admit though, I was going through something similar today. Easier said than done sometimes, it comes with practice…