yuske05 Member


  • I forgot how cool it is to find stories like this here. It's especially nice because they're directly from people. Thank you and stay moving!
  • Sounds like you're doing everything right. As far as your calories, if you find yourself hungry every night then I would add 100 more to your budget. If you're just starting the diet it takes time for the body to adjust to the reduced caloric intake so you may go to bed hungry for a few days until you're fully adjusted…
  • I might have a herniated/bulging disc seeing that some of you have similar backgrounds with me; I've had back issues since my early 20s and younger. Lately my lower back pain has cried louder than usual everyday, some days not much. My physician saw no major issues with me and told me to exercise my core more. Core…
  • I'm very happy to see this. Your girl is learning from this as well, I'm sure. Thanks for posting. It's a lifestyle, not a trend.
  • Looking good and doing well, steady sounds like a plan. I have hips that I'm working on for better athletic movement and posture
    in Bulking Comment by yuske05 July 2020
  • @takahiroki We're currently the same dimensions, height and size, and I'm a skinny dude. You look great already and I'm sure you will accomplish losing more weight if you want. Congrats.
  • Having a good reason for being an introvert.
  • The bigger problem is the effect this is having on our farming industry. We're buying this stuff up regardless of the reason which can cause lands to be overused and eventually useless. If/when that happens, we'll just have to chop up more forests, right?
  • Experience solves this. Try a debate class. Do you overthink things much?
  • That quote is perfection. I'll try to apply it more. I just made a parfait that saved my day at work. Question for everybody: is there anyone here with a raging sweet tooth who is overweight or near it? I read somewhere some time ago that people who naturally don't have issues losing weight are typically sugar addicts.
  • You got me bro. I'll put some of my toxin in a jar for you as a trophy. I would not like to speak to you anymore, sir. Enjoy the day.
  • I'd like to know exactly what's meant by ghosting before I answer you. I'm suspecting a different definition by the postings. I think it's when anyone(with reasonable capacity) knowingly doesn't reply to someone, period.
  • That doesn't sound like ghosting to me. It sounds like you need a better mood in order to respond which will become a delayed response. Unless you never respond even when you're in better spirits and you're aware of it.
  • Funny thing is @Just_Mel_ to me, you look like someone who is likely to have ghosted many a dudes. I have to say, I am a bit surprised to see your profile pic in lead of this topic.