seanrodg Member


  • Begin with the foundation of our bodies: The Feet. Form begins here. Landing under hips with all of the joints stacked up in a straight line will be the start. Show wear is the culprit since it affects form. Try jogging barefoot in your driveway or down a cement sidewalk and notice how you land. Your feet automatically…
  • Mmapags was asking for the studies (read entire thread). I was not posting them to support the claims. They were posted by another member. I just jumped in at the wrong place. Sorry for the confusion. But thanks for the study you posted. Awesome reading. Fat oxidation! When I ran Ultras I definitely trained 2 - 7 hours at…
  • Plenty to read here:…
  • That’s great you’re asking questions and trying different approaches. It’s the best way to find the fit your body will respond to. I do intermittent fasting as well and also run, bike and do HIIT all fasted about 30 - 45 minutes after waking up. My body responds well and I’ve found that my desire for sugar/carbs is reduced…