kristaiscool49 Member


  • Jan 3 Exercise: Yep, another near 2 hour wrestling practice. Left me drenched in sweat and exhausted, so I’d say that was a good workout lol. First practice in a while that I didn’t get pinned a single time! That’s what I call progress:) Stayed under budget? Yessir! Nearly 700 unused, but that’s due to me cutting weight…
  • Yep- 2 hour intense wrestling practice (state tournament is next month so these practices are HARD now) Yep- Stayed within budget even tho I went to a buffet, I just had salad and a small serving of various veggies (like collard greens and green beans) Yep- it look a few mins because of the buffet, but I logged everything!
  • January 1st Exercised for 20 mins? Yep! Walked each of my 3 dogs individually around the neighborhood (0.8 mile walk each, 2.4 mile walk total) And 15 mins of various ab and arm exercises including fire hydrants, planks, starfish crunches, and bicep curls with a 20 lb weight (I’m trying to increase that number but dang are…
  • Hey there! I’m Krista. I’ve had this app for around a year or so but haven’t made much use of it until now. I got a premium account to help encourage me to stay motivated, and I’m joining this group because I need to learn weight management in the form of self control. I’m well educated on dietary needs but when it comes…