ladychr0nic Member


  • Lost 2.4 pounds this week! I am only 1.4 pounds away from onederland. This is the lowest weight I have been in years. Four years ago I was 190lbs, that's the last weight I can remember. It was before I met my boyfriend, who was a large contributor for me gaining so much weight over the years. I know it was all me, but he…
  • Thanks Lana! It's good to be back. The wedding I am in is on October 9th. But then my other friend wants me to go to hawaii for her bachelorette in the summertime too. So lots of reasons to lose some weight! I'm feeling good. I have the whole week off to do some cooking and prep some healthy stuff. My back is bad right…
  • Hello. Day one for me! I have two weddings to go to this year, and one of which I am the maid of honour. Plus I am newly single, so I have to get into shape before I enter the dating world. CW: 204 First GW: 190 Long term GW: 160 I'm just trying to make it to onederland first, and get back to my weight that I was at before…
  • Good morning ladies!! It's been a hot minute since I've been on here. But I just found out I am maid of honour in my good friends wedding, and that I'm supposed to go to hawaii in the summer with my other friend for her wedding. So I need to get smaller!!! I'm living alone now (just went through a break up) so I should be…
  • Hello! I keep falling on and off the wagon. But I think today is a new day one. I'm going through a break up so I think it's a good time to focus on my food and distract myself with getting healthy. I already tracked my breakfast so thats a good thing. SW 206.6 GW 199 I just want to make it to onederland. That's my first…
  • Hello! I'm down a little bit on the scale today! Feeling good. I've been on vacation for the last little while so I'm just enjoying my time. Haven't been drinking which helps. It's raining here today, I was planning to go for a run but now I'm unmotivated. Ugh. Maybe I should still go, just wear a rain jacket and a hat.…
  • You ladies are all awesome. I started running! I'm struggling with my mental health, and I found that running is very therapeutic. I will come home after a run and it almost feels like I'm high on something. My friend who is a runner, says that research says that it almost feels like morphine after a good run. I've really…
  • It's so true!! I takes a huge mindset shift to just open the app in the first place. To recommit yourself to your health. I've been struggling with my weight since I was a kid, but this time around things are different. I decided I'm not going to track my food at all, and just track my exercise and just be part of the…
  • @nycirl2018 I'm a serial starter too!! I just re-started again last week. Just gotta take each day as it comes. I find I haven't be getting caught up in the details when it comes to tracking. Like when I search for my multigrain bread, I don't search for the exact brand I'm using and just track whatever first comes up.…
  • Thanks Lana! I missed your daily posts :) So I think I'm engaged. My common law partner and I just had a casual conversation at dinner last night about when and where we're going to get married and who we want to be there. We agreed on what we wanted and embraced each other super excited for this next chapter. So,…
  • hahhah MFP sensored my swear word into "kitten". Thats so funny.
  • I kind of just got engaged. My common law partner and I just casually discussed what our wedding is going to look like and how we are going to get married. We agreed on doing it next year, and have already planned the two witnesses we want to be there and how we want to do it. So I think I'm engaged?? We don't really want…
  • I'm going away this weekend and I"m think I'm just going to smoke weed haha (it's legal in my country). Maybe have a little wine at night, but I'm going to try not to day drink. Usually when I go on vacation, I have ceasers in the morning, beer/cider throughout the day and then drink excessively at night. NOT THIS WEEKEND.…
  • I'm going to just try to drink on weekends. The summer it has been so hard, cracking a beer after work or making ceasers before dinner. Enough is enough! I stopped tracking a couple months ago (it's day one for me) and over the summer I have gained 5 pounds. A lot of that is probably from the booze! It's time to cut back.…
  • Hello everyone. Well I've been MIA from MFP lately. I've gained about 5 pounds and have been eating ice cream and not been wearing my apple watch. I've been so busy finishing up my huge renovation that I just haven't been putting in the effort to track or even think about being healthy. There has been a lot of fast food…
  • I'M 3 POUNDS AWAY FROM ONEDERLAND!!! super excited. Haven't been below 200 in a few years. Officially down 20 pounds! I know on MFP it only says 17...but my officially starting weight was higher so I'm going with the total lost. I hope everyone has a good weekend!
  • Hello hello hello. I'm only 3 POUNDS away from onederland. I've been tracking everyday, but at night sometimes I lose myself. I'm really trying to cut back on sugar. I have a coke addiction....but I'm working on it. I've been trying to substitute with coconut water, which is helping. I only ever have one coke per day but…
  • Hello everyone! I've been absent on MFP for a couple weeks. I've still logged in everyday and tracked things about 50% of the time, but have been struggling with my mental health and needed to take a break. I loved reading this thread and seeing how amazing all of you are doing :) I managed to lose weight in these couple…
  • Feel free to add me for support! :)
  • @Rh1aB1a I know exactly what you mean. I work so hard during the week and as soon as I get to the weekend I get a little off track. Especially with alcohol. I find I just try to eat a little less during the day for breakfast and lunch so that I have more room in the evening for wine. It's hard tho!! I had a bad weekend…
  • @roz0810 Nice thread! I've seen you around here, you seem so motivated! It's inspiring :) I haven't set a goal weight, I'm just trying to get to onederland first. I probably have about 50 pounds to lose, then go from there. I'm not trying to get super skinny or anything, I sill want to have some wiggle room for beer and…
  • @uyister Wow you look amazing!!! 100 pounds! That's unreal :) I hope you're doing okay with the volcano evacuation :( that must be hard to keep up with your goals not living at home So I had a horrible weekend and am up almost 3 pounds :( I think it's mostly water weight from the salt, so I'm going to try and keep it clean…
  • Good morning everyone!! I hope everyone had a great weekend. I had a fabulous weekend. It was my boyfriend's birthday and I'm on vacation so I took that upon myself to completely let loose this weekend :wink: . Booze and junk food everywhere :smiley: haha. I feel disgusting and so tired because I fed my body crap so I'm…
  • @renaegry oooo do you have a chef's plate coupon?? I'm already using HelloFresh but was thinking about trying chef's plate as well for more recipes. It's so fun! It's teaching me how to be confident in the kitchen too. So I just had the most horrible weekend. Candy, pop, ice cream, booze....everything under the sun. It was…
  • @PatriceFitnessPal I absolutely LOVE HelloFresh so far. We just had this amazing mushroom ravioli last night, and tonight we have these yummy brie sandwiches. The meals are so easy to cook and give you exactly what you need without having to measure anything. And you can skip weeks, so you definitely don't have to get it…
  • @wanderinglight Your paintings are soo cute!! love it!! @JNettie73 Congrats on your blood sugars!! That's a huge NSV :) Also, beware of the second covid shot. I got pretty sick after. Totally worth it, though! SW: 221.6 CW: 207.2 GW: TBD I would like to get to onederland as my first goal. Hopefully within the next couple…
  • @misplacedmama Wow very inspiring post. It's crazy how our minds are so against us when it comes to our body image. From such a young age we are told to look a certain way and it taints us for life. I remember my mom being the worst person when it came to my weight. She would always put me on diets and tell me when my…
  • @LanaCabana537 I hear ya, when you're surrounded by hills it can be hard to get out there. Just little steps at a time and you'll get there! I've been doing really good. Tracking everyday, not snacking too much. Walking with Max for an hour everyday. I live 2 minutes from this beautiful river, and there's this huge network…
  • @PatriceFitnessPal Those are great goals! Very inspiring post :) @beshamama Wow great job on the bike. I just bought a bike, too and it's so fun! Excited to get more miles in. I've been doing pretty good. Down 1.6 pounds this week. Been hitting all my goals on my apple watch everyday which feels really good. It's supposed…
  • @uyester Yikes!! Volcanoes are no joke! Also, good luck with your exams :) It's been such a great day. Ended the day off with some sushi, which was delicious and stayed within my calories. Went for a big walk with the hubby, and then I tested my new bike out for a little spin. I got the bike of craigslist, and then ordered…