ladychr0nic Member


  • Good morning all! I am soooo close to loosing 40 pounds! It's been a crazy month for me. First I got covid, which was awful. And now I'm just getting over a terrible 48 hour stomach flu. It was sooo bad. But today I feel 100x better and am going to clean my house top to bottom. It's so sunny and beautiful here in BC so I'm…
  • And Lana you are very sweet, thank you. And thanks for the tip about a seamstress. That's a great idea, and I never thought of it!
  • Oh my goodness, I hope I didn't offend anyone with my post about having covid. I honestly was so sleep deprived and sick when I wrote that post that I wasn't thinking clearly. I wish I could delete it but I don't know how. I am very sorry to anyone reading this. It was very insensitive.
  • Good morning! It's been a hot minute since I've been on the community. I have Covid right now :'( , so I haven't been able to eat anything. I've lost 6 pounds so far haha. Covid sucks though, I haven't left my couch in a couple days. I haven't really been tracking my food for the last couple weeks. I still am going to the…
  • March Start Weight: 202.8 March Goal Weight: 195 Ultimate Goal Weight: 150 Mar 1: 202.8 Mar 8: 202.2 Mar 15: 199 Mar 22: 198 Mar 26: 195.8 Wow I'm so happy with my loss. I've been extremely active, hiking 4 hours a day for the last 4 days on my mini vacation so it definitely paid off! I also ate really well. I'm getting…
  • Happy Friday everyone! I've been on the island for the last few days and been having a blast. My step dad has been taking me on 4 hour hikes everyday seeing all the beautiful forests and beaches that are out here. My dog has been off leash the entire time and just having the absolute best time. It's so amazing watching him…
  • I've been on vacation on vancouver island the last few days and have been putting in around 25k steps each day going on amazing hikes through the woods and on the beaches. My dog is off leash the entire time and loving life. It's been so wonderful. I'm exhausted but feel great! I've been eating well too. Yesterday I had a…
  • Hey! Trip is going really well so far. Went on a 4 hour walk through the woods and on the beach yesterday. It was some of the most beautiful scenery! Logged in about 25k steps!! My dog and I were completely tuckered out. It was so great. Plus I'm eating really good. I wasn't sure if I would gain or lose this trip but I…
  • March Start Weight: 202.8 March Goal Weight: 195 Ultimate Goal Weight: 150 Mar 1: 202.8 Mar 8: 202.2 Mar 15: 199 Mar 22: 198 Mar 29: Slowly but surely I'm heading in the right direction. Still working out everyday and feeling sooo good. I really know the gym well now and have lots of routines so I'm never bored. I'm headed…
  • Yes, I definitely close my move ring and my stand ring on my watch at work. Get usually about 15k steps. Max is 1 and a half now! I'm excited for our journey today. I think he'll do great. I bought him some big bones, and put a kong full of peanut butter in the freezer for him to naw on. He's pretty spoiled. I'm down a…
  • Good morning!! @mkculs13 I love the puppy pics!! So cute!! I've been doing good. I stayed within my calories for the last few days and have lost. Feeling in control and good. I didn't work out the last couple days because I was working 12s so there's no time for exercise haha. Then Friday I was hungover so I didn't end up…
  • FINALLY BROKE MY PLATEAU!! I lost 3 pounds and am at the lowest weight I have been at in the last 5 years. I have been eating really good the last few days and have still been going to the gym everyday. I've been actually enjoying it, I think it's actually becoming a habit. SW: 221 CW: 198 GW: 150
  • March Start Weight: 202.8 March Goal Weight: 197 Ultimate Goal Weight: 150 Mar 1: 202.8 Mar 8: 202.2 Mar 15: 199 Mar 22: Mar 29: I had a big loss this week! I've been working out everyday and really getting into a routine. I also take my dog on walks all the time. I'm eating pretty good too. I found "smart sweets" not sure…
  • First time being single in 14 years!! I have no idea what I'm doing but I like the freedom so far. Living alone is kind of nice, but lonely sometimes too. I like meeting new people :) this group seems fun.
  • Thank you all for your support! This group is amazing. I was feeling really low yesterday and you all made me feel better. I weighed in this morning and I'm down a little bit so I feel better. I downloaded happy scale @CupcakeCrusoe and @seltzer_lover so I will set that up today, thanks for the tip ladies! Here's to…
  • My weight isn't moving on the scale. I'm working out hard everyday, tracking everyday. I'm really trying hard but if anything my weight is going the other way. I know I'm building muscle but you would think the scale would still move in the right direction. I just feel defeated and angry. Does anyone else weigh in…
  • March Start Weight: 202.8 March Goal Weight: 195 Ultimate Goal Weight: 150 Mar 1: 202.8 Mar 8: 202.2 Mar 15: Mar 22: Mar 29: Only down 0.6lbs this week. I was down lower but one salty day and I'm up 2 pounds in a day. It's crazy how much our weight changes everyday. Ive been weighing in everyday to stay accountable and I…
  • March Start Weight: 202.8 March Goal Weight: 195 Ultimate Goal Weight: 150 Mar 1: 202.8 Mar 8: 202.2 Mar 15: Mar 22: Mar 29: Not the best progress. I am going to the gym everyday and doing heavy weight lifting, so I may be gaining muscle. I lost an inch in my waist which is good. I'm still feeling good. Just gotta keep my…
  • Good morning all! I've been weighing in everyday and writing my weight on a calendar on the fridge so that I can visually see it every time I'm in the kitchen. The last few days I've been in a steady decline. I hit onederland a couple weeks ago, but then lost it with a bad weekend and now I'm just trying to recover. I'm…
  • My weight keeps going down with my daily weigh ins. Worked a couple 12 hour shifts so I couldn't go to the gym, so today I'm going to head back. I've really gotten into the routine of going on my days off. It's just becoming a habit after coffee to just get my gym gear and go no matter how I feel. It feels good! I really…
  • oh my goodness, your comment could make me cry!! I'm so sorry you went through that!! Keep pushing, you got this!!
  • SW: 221.2 CW: 202 GW: 150 I'm down 0.8 this morning. I decided that I'm going to weigh in every day. I put a calendar on my fridge and am writing my weight right on there daily. I also put stickers on the days that I work out so it's visually motivating. I've been doing hellofresh so I've been finding the lowest calorie…
  • This is it, I gotta get my *kitten* in gear. I've been going up and down on the scale and my eating habits go from good to bad as the days go on. I have a horrible time with evening snacking. I'm going to try brushing my teeth early. I hit onederland earlier this month but then fell off track. I have a couple weddings this…
  • Hello everyone! I've gained a couple pounds this weekend. It's crazy how one bad weekend can just derail so much progress. I have joined a gym and have been going regularly, I just have to get my eating under control. I joined noom to see what it was all about and ended up cancelling because MFP is just so much better. I…
  • Good morning everyone! Huge milestone today. I FOUND ONEDERLAND!!! This is the first time I've seen the 190's in over 4 years. I FEEL SO GREAT!! I have been eating better. I still have chocolate at the end of the day, and I'm still loosing weight so I don't feel deprived. Today I'm going with my friend to try on wedding…
  • Good morning everyone! I had a bad bad night last night. I was looking at Saturdays as kind of my flex, cheat day...but yesterday I had two servings of pie and half a chocolate bar haha. I did well for food during the day and ate healthy, but then completely fell off the rails at night. Today is a new day! This week will…
  • Good morning everyone! I didn't have the best couple days, I stayed close to within my calories but I just wasn't very organized or healthy. I'm going to do better this weekend. My back is still sore so I don't think I'll go to the gym this weekend. I work on Monday at the hospital and the days are sooooo tough when you…
  • That's so awesome that you have a supportive husband!! I'm envious of just having a partner that you can bounce ideas off of and track together. I feel like that's such a good way to stay on course! I've had a challenging couple days. I had fast food a couple times (i tracked it and stayed within) but I just feel kind of…
  • I had a bad day yesterday. I have a hard time when I go out to eat. I just eat whatever I want and tell myself to "treat yo self" and just suffer for the rest of the day. I planned on not eating anything else for the rest of the day, but ended up having a bowl of cereal at the end of the day. ugh. all in all, it was not a…
  • Yeah Lana, I'm a nurse. The hospital is nuts right now, so much COVID everywhere, so many staff off sick. There are vaccine mandates at the hospital, so we lost a lot of staff. Everyday we are short staffed and its chaos. It's honestly like going to war everyday I go to work. It's nice to have a week off. I'm just working…