popcorners (white cheddar), sugar snap peas and hummus, apple dip made with peanut butter, greek yogurt, cinnamon, & honey
Just started it again after stopping almost 3 years ago. Because life. I'm excited to get into the groove again. When I stopped in 2017 I was at 155lb DL with no fail. But now I have to cut back to 115 due to the break. I was surprised to learn that when I reinstalled the app, it still had all of my logs from back then. I…
I can't think of anything other than what has been said but, I want to thank you for supporting and taking care of your brother. I know you might think "Well, I'm his sister of course I'll help him out!" It still means a lot to see family members pull through the struggle with cancer patients so that they are not alone in…
"My Brother, My Brother and Me" by the McElroy Brothers They also do a D&D style podcast with their dad called "The Adventure Zone". Each brother also has a podcast with their wives, my favorite being "Sawbones" by Justin and his Dr. wife. Recently started listening to "Food We Need to Talk" If you like spooky stuff I also…
I feel you. I've lost 20 lbs this past year and my waist size is still the same as it was. *groan* It's all coming off around my face and thighs. I'd say keep on keeping on and do a bunch of whatever exercise that you're hoping to lose inches from. Then that way when you finally get to that point of burning fat there your…
You will become bored very fast if you do the same workout every day. Pick 3 days to do a cardio for 30 mins (running, rowing, elliptical, etc.), 3 days for strength/HIIT/circuit. Give yourself at least 1 total rest day or you will be burned out quickly. My week as an example: Sunday: Run, Yoga/Stretch Monday: Rock…
I will be 30 next weekend. I plan to lose 40 lbs by June.
January goal: - Run on the treadmill for 1.5 hours per week (Sundays, Wednesdays, and Fridays) at a 10min/mile pace or faster. - Run outside if it happens to be nice out (Michigan weather). 1/2/20 = 30 min :) 1/9/20 = 30 min :) 1/12/20 = 30 min :) 1/15/20 = 60 min 1/19/20 = 30 min 1/22/20 = 60 min 1/24/20 = 60 min 1/28/20…
January goal: - Run on the treadmill for 1.5 hours per week (Sundays, Wednesdays, and Fridays) at a 10min/mile pace or faster. - Run outside if it happens to be nice out (Michigan weather).
Well then I guess I will count my coffee towards it! Thanks!
I've been trying to lose weight but it has been a very slow progress. aka lost 10 lbs over the course of 2019. :/ Hopefully a 30 day free trial with MFP will help me pick up the habits I need to get to 130lbs before my wedding, which is on Halloween. Jan start weight 173 Jan goal weight 165 Ultimate goal weight 130 (by…
Morning Les Mills BodyPUMP class with my fiance.