This is all good info. Thanks for taking the time again to type it all out! I’ll probably grab a new digital scale and check out one of those apps. Hope you have a good day!
Thanks for taking the time to reply! Seriously, this helps a lot. It’s hard to know if I’m on the right track or need to push it more. I hate eating at a deficit but I’m worried about packing on more fat. I think I’m going to start StrongLifts after reading up on it tonight and I’ve heard a lot of people on these forums…
Thanks for the reply! It’s good to hear from other women my height about how many calories they’re eating because I’ve done a bunch of online calculators and they all seem slightly off of each other but most agree my BMR is 13-1400 and my maintenance should be around 17-1800 which seems low to me. I have a toddler and…