kristinaouellettefit Member


  • What program are you guys doing now?? :)
  • Hey girl! I know it's been a while since you posted this but how did it end up going? Are you doing another program now?
  • Hey! Are you working with a coach or in a challenge group or anything?? One of the girls in my challenge group is doing body beast! Let me know if you're not working with a coach yet :) you get one for free!
  • It can definitely be easy to fall out of control but one of the best first steps you can take is getting control of the desire to restrict! It's so important to remind yourself that you CAN eat anything you want. It's a hard change to make but it can be incredibly impactful! If you take it slow, you can do it but you have…
  • Hey girl! I hope you're loving the community! Are you currently doing any workouts or anything??
  • I would be careful with too much calorie restriction if you have a history with disordered eating. Figure out the macro split for your goal should be and start tracking your food - you might be surprised with how MUCH you'll actually get to eat! Pair that with the right workout and you'll see great change! I'm always down…
  • I can relate to this SO MUCH! And I hope you know having those moments every once in a while is ok! Binge eating is very much like an addiction and, unfortunately, it's not something that can just get turned off forever. It can sometimes be a rebellious thing - by knowing you don't want to binge anymore, in the back of…