kathrynegrady Member


  • Good Evening All, I’ve been looking at all the comments, just haven’t been too engaged in the conversation... honestly, my minds been all over the place. But, welcome to everyone who’s just recently joined the group. I hope everyone has been finding a way to cope with the stress and anxiety. I’ve been refocusing on my…
  • Evening All @BrownSugar174 those shorts are cute! And I bet that latte was EVERYTHING...lol @Tarzan37 ugggh... I can absolutely understand the frustration of noisy neighbors. Hopefully everything works out. @KeriA I think it was just a glitch. I logged out, then came back a couple hours later and it was back. Lol @Terytha…
  • Hey All, Soooooo... for some reason all my meal logs and exercises were wiped for today. They still show up on the home page, but when I go to my diary, there’s nothing there. And I do NOT feel like doing it all over again. I don’t even know how it happened. I was logging dinner, turned my head to look at the tv, and when…
  • Hey All! Meh... I went waaaay over my calories today. Mostly because I wasted a lot of them. For instance... I ate 3 dates... THREE... and that was 210 calories 😤... how dare they be so good and cost me so much?!?!? Then I had a large order of Chick Fil A waffle fries. And then I couldn’t stop eating popcorn... I was a…
  • Good evening All, Looks like March is continuing to test everyone’s patience... but just know that every little thing you do, whether it’s keeping to your workouts, drinking more water, or even venting in this group, is a step in the right direction. Just stay determined to push forward no matter how many times you’re…
  • @sharpdust I’m glad you enjoyed family time. And your right... nothing compares to spending time with the people you love. I can imagine that the pozole was great... my aunts and uncles were the same way with using all the parts of the pig (southern recipes from back when all they could afford were all the discarded parts…
  • PS... thanks for starting this group @DrewI0221 !! I agree with @LoriAnna62 ... you should definitely keep the group
  • Hi all... I’ve been doing intermittent fasting for 2 full weeks today (I do alternate day fasting, which means I fast for a full 36 hours every other day). Today is also the first day that I have shortened the eating window on my feast day (started eating at noon and will finish by 7pm) because I realized that I was eating…
  • @Terytha ooooh... gotcha. I read too fast lol. It’s cool... nuts have a lot of fat in them anyway. Can’t really get much bang for your buck. Well, at the very least, here’s to hoping your classes fly by lol
  • I get so wrapped up in the conversations, I forget to list my stats lol. SW: 240 CW: 229.8 3/1: 231.9 3/7: 229.8 Yeeaaaa so I haven’t lived up to most of my goals so I’m going to change them slightly. I find myself walking a lot more than I’m doing any yoga so: 💚Do at least 30 minutes of exercise 3 days/week 💚Drink 64-80…
  • Hey everyone! It’s been awhile... feels like forever 😔 @lbostic89 I’m so sorry for your loss. ❤️I hope your cousin is finding comfort in her family and friends. Make sure to do wellness checks on her as often as you can @Terytha lol @ steering wheel instructions 🤣. That sounds like “beat your head against a wall awful”. At…
  • Good evening everyone! Goodness... it looks like it’s been a hell of a March for EVERYONE already!!!! Hugs all around for everyone 😢...I’m having a really bad interaction between two of my medications (one is causing the other to stop working) so I’ve pretty much been in pain for most of the day. But I did manage to get in…
  • Good evening everyone! Is anyone else’s MFP taking forever to update???? @sharpdust I did 45 minutes of yoga instead of 30 because I wasn’t sure if I’d go walking (it’s cold and drizzly) but I ended up walking a mile anyway (just walked back in the house about 10 min ago) @shalanne congrats on meeting your goal! I’m…
  • Hey ladies... so today I went to the doctor and her large and intimidating scale read 229... which means I’m down another 2.1 lbs... but it’s not supposed to be my weigh in day so I’m going to pretend it didn’t happen (that and the fact that I somehow lost 2 lbs overnight has me thinking it may be one of those weird body…
  • Also, @aliciap0116 your picture was so cute! You definitely deserved the dress and you wore it well @mmdeveau my God you’re a beast! I can barely run to the bathroom lol. You’re my runspiration❤️ @sharpdust I also want to start going to the gym (I’m not sure if I’ll be able to start this month or not, but if not, I still…
  • Hey everyone. Happy March... and may the force of successful goals be with you lol... So I finally weighed myself tonight and I lost over 8 lbs! I’m honestly so proud of that number because I haven’t done much exercise and I really didn’t feel like I had lost anything... but I’ve been REALLY focused on my eating habits.…
  • @FitAuntie2018... fabulous transformation! did you have any issues with loose skin as you lost weight? Do you have any tips to help prevent it? You look awesome!
  • @svm569 I can definitely understand the frustration and disappointment, but I think what @jguldi11 said makes sense. Our bodies always respond in one way or the other to any kind of change so starting a new workout routine may be the culprit. @AlexandraFindsHerself1971 congrats!!! You should be really proud of yourself and…
  • @annoukie5 your story sounds just like mine! I would definitely be your diet partner...
  • @emjaybeb how long have you been using this way of eating? Do you calorie count during your eating times, or just eat healthy meals? @Lietchi trust me... I’m already reconsidering lol. I was over 1200 yesterday, and actually hit about 1700 (which is around where my calorie count would be if I was aiming for 1-2 pounds/…
  • Thank you for the replies and advice. @kimny72 I’m heading over to the link now thanks for that. @SlayLikeAWarrior and @TeaBea I’m going to take that into account. I don’t want to overwhelm myself to the point that my expectations are unattainable (which I kinda felt today; I fasted yesterday and tried to keep to a 1200…
  • Hello All!! I am a complete newbie to the forum and health and nutrition... I’m trying to do this correctly, (meaning: To lose weight in a healthy way that I can maintain) as I have lost weight before, but it was through extreme measures like fasting, and I was never able to keep it off. I was recently weighed at the…