eenix0 Member


  • Hi there! I'm also running at a 1200 goal per day. My main thing is intuitive eating and really listening to your body. So, without knowing anything else about you, my first two thoughts are the following; 1) Do be sure you are tracking correctly! I don't know if you have a lot of experience calorie tracking or if you are…
  • OMG just wanted to say I feel you on the Instagram influencers. I had to completely stop with social media when it comes to fitness goals. So much of it is either lies or angles where it's real but they take a million photos to get the "perfect" one. And again...that's the ones that aren't just straight up lying. It's such…
  • Looks like everyone's gotten through all the initial stuff I was going to add, but I haven't seen any mention of NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) which was a huge realization for me. I'm only just getting back into this, but I remember when my weight stalled out in 2018, I was working out an ABSURD amount...but…
  • Can't add anything, since I am definitely in the "I always gain it back" camp, but just wanted to say I'm so glad you posted this question! The responses make me feel more determined to keep it off this time. Sometimes it feels impossible, so it's good to be reminded of other people's long-term success stories!