Of course no-one is excluded! I had a small injury early this week so I haven’t been walking as much as I set out to, but am looking forward to getting back into it!
For the past week I have been going for an hour long walk up-hill right before work. It’s the dead of night when I leave the house, but I get to see the sunrise and it’s super motivating seeing the steps and active calories go up! How is everyone else going about this? What type of exercise do you prefer?
Thank you everyone for reaching out!
Hi guys! I have 180lbs to lose and would love to be added to your group. I had managed to reach half my goal a few years ago, but then regained the weight and then some. Having trouble finding the motivation to start again, though I really need to as I am approaching my 30s fast and am starting to feel the impact of the…
Lewisham! :smiley: Looking for an accountability buddy if anyone is interested!
Hello! I am also UK based and morbidly obese at the time... need to shed these pounds asap for my own health! :)