James_the_Frood Member


  • Howdy! I'm feeling more motivated already after reading what you all have posted! Very practical tips! It's been advised in my area that even leaving your house is something that should be considered as to whether it's wise or not, even leaving your property, just to go running, so today I did a workout for about an hour.…
  • Same. I used to be fit but now I'm out of shape - my doc says I need to lose weight so I'm shooting for 50lb loss to bring me down to 200, was hoping to find a support team to join or something :)
  • Howdy! James, from WA State, USA. 6' 5" dude who used to be fit but now I'm out of shape - my doc says I need to lose weight so I'm shooting for 50lb loss to bring me down to 200, was hoping to find a support team to join or something :)