Golf pro!
He looks like he could punch a fish. :D
Thank you! Yes, I don't need to lose any weight, I just would like to be stronger and more fit. I don't have a lot of equipment at home.
I'd go anywhere to get out of my house!
Thank you! that's great information! Yes, i have to try to do workouts at home for now.
wise ;)
Hey you... Please give me your gum... you're sitting on mine.
Thank you! That's super helpful! Appreciate it!
Ok?? I'm waiting in suspense. :D :D
:D Ok. I was wondering about protein, carbs, how often to lift, how much.
She has some kickass legs! Yes! Here's to tough chicks. B)
I get excited when I run out of something because then I HAVE TO go to the store. :#
hi everyone! I'm new here and looking for friends to keep me motivated!