CinnamonScallop Member


  • Hello everyone, I hope you don't mind me joining and saying hello mid month. To be forward, I went through a breakup after about 3 years and my Garmin and fitness goals went with my broken heart, all in the bottom and back of a drawer. Something switched this weekend, and I'm ready to get back into it. First step- A is no…
  • Dan thank you, you just explained a whole lot to me. My calories have been off, and now this explains it. I've been able to pick up a second job to put some of those pennies back in place. I'll get out and get a scale in the next couple days. Things are still so displaced up here, even hotels and motels are still closed,…
  • You've got a great goal and September is a ways away! I'm 5'9/5'10" and at 165-170# that's my size 10 range. Do you have a good routine going for exercise? One thing that might help add momentum is to hang that suit up where you can see it. I've hung up my old blue jeans I want to fit into and either glare or smile at them…
  • Amen on the gardening! Just need the snow to stop and the ground to thaw here. Hands are itching to get dirty. Love the quotes! And so true regarding the dog poo, for us it's the people who leave their poo bags behind... they're everywhere! When my sons and I go out for a trail hike behind the house, one of us carries a…
  • Hello Kat, my heart goes out to you on points two and three. I can completely understand. I am in Colorado, my boyfriend is in Chicago. It's been since Feb 1 that we last saw each other. So, you have being stuck at home, being afraid to have to deal with the Cops, missing your connections, it all just adds up. I'm sorry…
  • Good for you! Keep up the motivation!
  • Hey! Sorry for the delay, I hadn't turned on notifications for responses on here so missed it completely. Haha on the one-sided body changes. I get that completely. I'm seeing some changes, in my face (my face seems a little less round, ha), but will keep an eye on my feet! It's incredible they way our bodies respond to…
  • Good call on the how clothes fit aspect. I have that one pair of jeans that's just always out of reach size-wise. I'll pull them out and keep trying them lol, that will tell me pretty quick if what I am doing is getting me anywhere. Thanks for the response!
  • I'll definitely stop in at Wally world and take a look. I've never had to count my pennies as I am right now, and at this moment each one is definitely counting. Good call on the other options, I like the pictures idea as it will take time but show changes. I appreciate your taking the time for a response! Appreciate the…
  • Progress pictures- I hadn't thought of that. I had thought of a measuring tape, and might even do both, thank you!