davonloeb Member


  • Cool! I’ll take a look.
  • What does CKD stand for?
  • Definitely think if I want to gain more strength, I have to down the fat and up the carbs.
  • Yeah I think I have to load up on some carbs if I want to gain more muscle. I lift 4 days a week, push/pull days. Fit as it is, but trying to work on the abs. Think I have to do a bit more cardio and focus on a moderate carb in-take. Today: pull Romanian dead lifts: 4x8 Pull-ups: 3x10 Bent-over row: 4x8 Dumbbell…
  • Been training for years. Trying to find a balance between getting lean muscle and cutting some fat. Probably around reps of 8-10, at about 60% of my max. Macros look like this: Off-days: Carbs: 50g, Protein: 175g, Fat: 122g Lifting-days: Carbs: 100g, Protein: 175g, Fat: 100g 2000 calories a day.