PersonMcSelf Member


  • Full panel because my doc was concerned about my weight gain. Water retention isn't it, as I'm on a diuretic for my blood pressure.
  • ^ That's the crux of it, is that SSRIs affect different people in different ways. Some people lose weight on them, some gain, some stay the same. Some lose on one SSRI and gain on another. It's a trial and error process which med will work best for you.
  • Yep, I have a high-quality digital food scale. I don't know what else to do... I'm telling you, when I get my stimulus check I'm gonna buy a used elliptical machine and get on it twice a day, six days a week, an hour at a time. Sigh
  • I'm 5'7" and I log with a journal and a calculator. Been tracking for over four months now. I agree that I should be able to eat at least 1700 calories, even with a normal shade of slow metabolism, without gaining weight. That's my point :'( But for some infuriating, baffling reason this medication magically has me running…
  • I can't even seem to shed that much. And if I eat back my exercise calories, which as you can see I already factored into the 1400/day that I burn, I would actually gain weight.
  • Weight gain on SSRIs is actually a real thing for a lot of people, and researchers are still not sure if it's just due to increased appetite or whether there are in fact metabolic changes. I can tell you from my own current experience that my medication…