Wulfendire Member


  • Sunday:* log everything ✔️ * stay in calorie goal ✔️ * plan meals for Monday ✔️ Monday:* log everything * stay in calorie goal * plan meals for Tuesday * get up and move around at least every 3 hours * no peeling/biting at my lips * clean my apartment * rest rest rest so as not to cause a flare * drink lots and lots of…
  • Hello everyone, bit of a rough day today but so far staying on track with healthy choices.
  • Saturday: Re-download Myfitnesspal ✔️, Log everything ✔️, Plan meals for Sunday ✔️ Sunday: log everything, stay in calorie goal, plan meals for Monday
  • Thank you for the welcome! Dawn, I'm sorry you're in such a difficult situation. I really have no advice to offer except do what would leave you with the least regret later on. Well, today I ended up completely changing everything I had planned yesterday and going slightly over my calories. However, I at least did not go…
  • Thursday: let's not talk about that.... Friday: Re-download Myfitnesspal, Log everything, Plan meals for Saturday
  • Well, here I go starting again. I have set myself a goal of planning the next days meals ahead of time. It worked for me before, so hopefully it will help again. I didn't decide to do this until after lunch today, which is my main meal of the day. I have a little over 200 calories left for today. lol I don't have the…
  • Wednesday JFT I will: 💠 Log and share MFP Diary 💠 Take a walk ✔ 💠 Drink a gal of water ✔ 💠 Rest when needed ✔ 💠 Get my computer work done ✔ Thursday JFT I will: 💠 Log and share MFP Diary 💠 Drink a gal of water 💠 Rest!!! (The walking that I've been doing has caused me to go into a flare 😒😔)
  • Gotta love when the higher-ups take notice... Yep, that's my spunky cat. She's equal parts lovable and tortitude. LOL I hope your training goes well today! ~~~ Lana, that's awful you're having so many rainy days in a row. I hope tomorrow is a sunny day! ~~~ Well, I overdid it and I'm flaring again. Out of stress and…
  • Hey all, I'm a returning MFP user looking for some friends, encouragement, and support. Today's a super nice day where I live so I'm hoping to get outside for a walk after I fix up something to eat. Those quiche look really good! Maybe I'll try making those. :smiley: All the rain we had the past few days where I live…
  • Tuesday JFT I will: 💠 Log all my meals for today and share with friends for support ✔️ 💠 Take a walk ✔️ 💠 Drink 1 gal of water ✔️ 💠 Rest when needed ✔️ Wednesday JFT I will: 💠 Log and share MFP Diary 💠 Take a walk 💠 Drink a gal of water 💠 Rest when needed 💠 Get my computer work done