artsmart422 Member


  • Thanks everyone for the hugs, Today I logged and stayed under but didn’t feel up to exercise
  • Exercise- yes Log-yes Stay under cal- yes I have to share... one of my sweetest students just passed from COVID and I am beyond sad and I post it here because at 18yrs she had no other health issues except being overweight by maybe 60lbs. Say a prayer for Sweet Ashley- hug your love ones and be safe. I can’t imagine her…
  • I tracked today down to the last nibble!!! I’m under and I did 30 min exercise💪🏼
  • Thanks alligatorob and donna25 for the support I’m logging and even measuring everything so I can be honest( you know wink wink the cup of cereal that is really 2.5 cups) I’m done fooling myself, time to get real. I decided to either do this or just be happy a little fat and shut up about it! Lol It’s one or the other, no…
  • Well I haven’t been doing to well with this Challenge, I think I was still riding a holiday mindset where I can eat treats because it is....what? It is what? Even writing this I realize how off this thinking is especially when the holidays were so different this year. Ok I know Im too far gone for the circle but I will do…
  • Hi everyone I’m new and excited to be apart of this group. I need the focus to keep going I lost 25lbs since March 2020(mostly because of not going out to eat 4x a week and not having home baked goods offered every other day with a I made this for you or try it and tell me what you think... I think I’m getting fatter by…