Thanks I am trying. Food logging is helpful because I never realized how much or how poorly I ate.
I am in CA with 100 plus pounds to lose.
I tried it but you need to have a strong relationship with God I think for that one. The group I went to prayed more than I felt comfortable with. It works like AA but instead is OA. You can try it free online and see if it works for you.
I am new also. Nice to meet all of you. One day at a time is my current approach.
I have a long way to go. Thanks for sharing everyone. I know that most people I know look at me and say why bother.
I think it’s great what you are doing. I would bulk them into one time for fitness credit of 15 minutes per whether it’s Cardio or Strength training. Everything helps.
Welcome,I am new too! You can do it!
Even though I am quite big with a lot of weight to lose right now, I have also been smaller with that 20 that will not go. I understand both ends. It’s actually more difficult when you are smaller than at the size I am now I think but we all need to support each other and I have a long road ahead.