ddepallo1 Member


  • I keep an 8x11 sheet that I call "Things To Do Instead Of Eating". It has a different ideas for things I can use to distract me when I'm having food thoughts and cravings. You can find a good book that will enthrall you. When you're reading you don't think about food as much.
  • Ditto to drinking lots of water, especially with your meal. Also, find out how many grams of protein you need per day and make a plan to meet that goal daily.
  • Hi, I've also had issues with food since childhood. I'm now in my 60's. But it was in my mid-50's that I came to realize my body wasn't tolerating my excess weight the way it did when I was younger. I have high blood pressure, joint pain all over, among other things. But I'm a food addict. I'll have some success, then pick…
  • Hi, I'm Diane. I'm a 64 yr old woman from VA. After hearing about MFP for years, I finally decided to give it a try. So far it's working out. I am person who enjoys connecting with others and giving and getting support. This sounded like a group that could provide that. I've been a food addict since the age of 10, sugar…