bondservant75 Member


  • Oops - forgot to adjust the includes (line 8 and 9) so it works for any day. Just copy everything BELOW the line. You'll will get error warnings when doing syntax checks in Tampermonkey but you can ignore them. Mine says there are 15 of them. (The interpreter doesn't like the JQuery stuff.) Again, I'm using the free calcs…
  • Updated the script. I'm using FireFox w/ Tampermonkey on a Mac. I also updated the calcs, using // ==UserScript== // @name MyFitnessPal Weight Watchers Points // @version 2.0 // @description Add WW Smart Points to MFP // @author Modified by Bondservant75 // @match…
  • When doing keto, there are two approaches. I did “junk” keto and my cholesterol did go up. Junk keto is eating a lot of red meats, butter, cheese, bacon, etc. it’s low carb but not exactly healthy. However, if u do something more like a Mediterranean diet, it should go down because you are eating more lean meats and…