mlgsmtl Member


  • I understood the reason and if it is interesting to someone I can write about it. The reason is that when I created my products, I rounded up the calorie numbers. For example, if 21 (p) + 7(f) + 1.6(c) indicators of the macro in the calculation did 153.4 calories, I indicated 154. This is exactly the reason.
  • After this explanation, I understood everything. Thanks you. Thanks everyone for your answers. Good luck! Always be in shape :)
  • I just want to understand where and what is the error. Why do I entered 1, 3, 5, but the MFP adds them up and instead of 9 gets 11.
  • I am not counting anything other than carbs, protein, and fats. Only these indicators are important to me. I leave the rest empty, do not entered anything during creating food.
  • Yes it is. Thanks for your reply. I will check my products again.
  • I take information from the Internet, manually create food, add carbs, protein and fats. But that's not the point. It's about counting. Why do I entered 1, 3, 5, but the MFP adds them up and instead of 9 gets 11. That is the question.
  • Yes, calories and % total macronutrients percentage I set manually. But how much will it be in grams the MFP did it. In principle, everything is correct here. I manually wrote 1859 calories, set 30% proteins, 55% carbs and 15% fats. The program calculated the amount correctly. 1859/30% = 557 calories. 557/4 = 140 proteins…
  • Thank you for your answer, but unfortunately I did not receive an answer to my question. I understand that a little difference is not scary, but still, I am an accurate person and I want to know why this is happening. There are amounts of proteins(135), carbohydrates(240) and fats(30). Carbs and Proteins are 4 cal/g and…
  • I am not adding anything from the MFP database. I personally create each meal myself.