G0ldengirl68 Member


  • Will get back to you after 10:40 doc appt, thank you again, so much, Denise Thank you Megan, wonderful to hear, very encouraging! I will be posting more after doc (phone appt) appt after 10:40 although, taking my dog out showering and a short errand, then afternoon before I get back here, thank you too for posting for me,…
  • Wow, I certainly appreciate your letter and I am going to copy and keep it. I have a telmed/phone appt Thurs. to discuss meters, diet etc. All I have is a MD, or GPs assistant and on low income I don't have a choice. But, I manage my money very good so I want to pick my own meter. Sticking my finger does not appeal, but…
  • Wow Spring, your letter is so welcome! I had thought about the stretching, and the yoga as well and I just know you are right on the mark! I just have to do it because I will fight to stay as agile as possible. I know too many who are bedridden, or on walkers etc. Some I know had no choice in it, but I still do. I would…