gareth_bland Member


  • I started with a PT who set me up a program of basic weight training excersises, split them up into Leg Day, Pull Day and Push day with a set of exercises per day. Worked for me in loosing weight. But don't forget to leave out your core!
  • Im no expert either but id say go for it, you might get some muscle soreness but just push through it (unless your injured of course) and itl recover faster each time. Stick to three a week but regulate yourself in the classes until you can increase intensity each time. As for the shakes id stay off them, recovery will…
  • I find the following helps. - set your gym clothes out somewhere you can see them from the bed - have the heating come on earlier in winter so its not cold when you ger up - book in for a class if your gym does them early morning If your really struggling then: - have a really annoying alarm go off somewhere you have to…