gabrielanedyalkova2020 Member


  • Woooow huge congratulations @sardelsa amazing work :smile: So I came across this online tool which told me the amount of calories I need to take in every day to reach my goals being 1,544 calories per day. please see the PDF: Scroll down to…
  • Where you mentioned about finding protein shakes convenient, or having a hard time hitting the calorie number with food and also budget is a problem too. You @sardelsa have got it bang on. It is exactly the reason why I turned to them as I don't have the time to meal prep, or pick out my menu or change it up etc, so yes I…
  • Hey there thank you.. Oh right in that case underweight is definitely not where I want to be. I want to maintain my weight but bits of fat aren't sitting right on my body so I am guessing I need to turn those fat bits into muscle mass instead of burning them off? am I right? Eating how much more? I honestly don't think I…