HealAndHonor Member


  • In my opinion? Not okay. I'd rather them tell me why they don't like the idea. Telling someone they look good in something when they don't.
  • Awesome job! Keep up the amazing work! :)
  • Wow! Awesome job! Love the beard! You look so happy! Keep up the awesome work! :)
  • My highest recorded weight was in the 300s back in August 2016, and by September 2016, I decided to change up my lifestyle, figure out what works for me. By June 2017 I had got as low as 219lbs, then depression hit. I started to feel scared, alone, and I ate a lot more food, feeling like crap, no one I could really talk to…
  • If you need to talk to someone, messages are always open on my end. :) What would you need help with? Since Veganism is an ethical stand-point if you mean transitioning to more whole-food, plant-based? Then I could help give some ideas for recipes/food! :)
  • Sounds like me! I am doing my best to cut a lot of the junk food out and so far I've done fairly well with still allowing it once in a while! <3
  • That's great to hear that you're well informed on the legumes + nuts&seeds front. As for salads, it would be awesome if you had a dressing made with nuts or seeds mixed up to add more if you felt you're lacking something. Such an avocado tahini dressing! I wish you a lovely day ahead! :smiley:
  • That's what I said in my previous post. Different plants have different forms of protein. (Aminos). :)
  • I will also say I agree with this. It all depends on the person too. Some just feel you 'must get enough protein' which let's be honest, all plants contain protein. - I will say that again: All, plants, have, protein. :smiley:
  • It's the different types of protein and it seems like the nutritionist you have is worried about you getting all your 'complete proteins' or BCAAs (Branched-Chain Amino Acids). That is one thing I learned when I first went plant-based (vegan for animals). So most people will say a 'complete protein' is beans with rice and…
  • I thought I would be VERY happy when I got from 300lbs to 219lbs (September 2016 to June 2017) and that was not the case at all. I gained so much weight back from being depressed and falling into a rabbit hole of junk food. I am now working on myself to get back down as I saw I crept up to 295lbs by late 2018. As of…
  • I saw your thread on my recommended to check posts and it's super inspiring to see! Awesome job! This is my first ever post in the forums (least from this account before I stepped away). My highest weight was 300lbs+ back in September of 2016 then got down to 219lbs in June 2017. I switched lifestyles (read the last…