Hello Sherri, nice to meet you and your lovely dog :) Have you tried intermitted fasting? It's helping me a lot!
Thanks for the answers, I hope I'll acquire your guessing skills at some point!!! :) I for sure had no idea how many calories I was eating before I started counting them!
Hello! Me too! and on the same day as well! I'm doing 16:8. How are you doing so far? feel free to add.
Hello there. I am not vegan yet but mostly eat vegan. I am an imperfect person! :)
Yeah, I understand that. Being out of sight from food helps and having a hot drink nearby. And a good dinner before! What are you watching?
to everyone (but I've mainly seen boys/men do it) why do you spit on the floor? (obv most people don't do it, please don't be offended!!)
Have you tried with correct running shoes? They changed my life! And music obviously, with the right jam it's much easier!! (I know these are very obvious comments, but maybe you hadn't thought about it before) :)
Sideplanks are the worst for me, especially with leg raises, my legs hurt so much and I can't find my balance. And having such little arm muscles, anything that requires arm muscles.... I'm such a mess!!
That is hard... Can you eat legumes? Like lentils and chickpeas? They are my go-to. Edamame should also have a good amount of protein. And I think you can find soy milk with no added sugar.
Hello and good luck on your journey! Try always to drink plenty of water (and no sweetend drinks) and walk as much as you can. When you are bored, get up and walk, when you are tired, get up and walk, when you are feeling anxious... you get the idea ;) I'm saying this not knowing anything about you of course...
Hello! New here and just starting to take this seriously. I want to lose some weight and get stronger, I'm coming out of a hard time and need to stop binge eating.
Hello!! Here I am! Yes, I know exactley what you mean, I never get the full load of protein I'd like... Let's help each other out!
That looks fantastic!! Rice and beans are a staple for me too, but not very low on carbs... :(
hello! Also trying to lose some weight and toning up a bit. anyone else doing intermitted fasting? Good luck to everyone :)