IamMuffles Member


  • Thanks! That is AWESOME! :smile: Good to know! I was kinda thinking maybe it was No Small Victory, not far off! Either way, very good things :smile:
  • Can someone please tell me what NSV means??!!!
  • To be honest, being obese IS a handicap. The handicapped stalls are the only place that "large girls" can use to have enough room to move to properly clean themselves after the 'act'. I simply HATE to admit that if I can't use a handicapped stall, I cannot properly wipe my own *kitten*. So, it is NOT disrespect to "actual"…
  • I have chronic sciatica pain (just getting over a 2month stint of complete painful helplessness!) and knee joints that scream with every step due to almost 50 years of just way too much weight/abuse.....I have an Air Walker (aka Gazelle). I set up my Netflix or whatever for an hour of something interesting, and "walk"…
  • Hi there! I am pretty new to the discussion boards - but a veteran at the rest of it unfortunately. Almost 50, and only now really learning about food and how it has affected me all my life. And it turns out, I wanna LIVE!! I am understanding more everyday, not just about nutrition, but about my worst enemy - ME. This is…