Pupowl Member


  • The daily card:
  • Hello Shape Shifters. Another disgustingly hot day here. Tomorrow should be better. I basically didn't do anything except go to the grocery store and in the afternoon I returned a package. I got the 'present' for Tinus delivered finally, which was a long rug for in the hallway. He likes to run to and from upstairs and he…
  • The daily card:
  • Hello Shape Shifters. The heat is getting to me! I went to bed on time last night, but I was upset about something and it was so hot. I quickly realised sleep was not going to happen, so I got up again and played a video game. I got around 6,5 hours of sleep which wasn't ideal. I didn't feel too bad today thankfully, but…
  • @lolakinks & @TashieB24 Welcome to the Shape Shifters! I wish you both luck on your health journey and I hope this group will be helpful for you both.
  • The daily card:
  • Hello Shape Shifters. It's getting really hot now, but I did manage to drag myself out for a walk. I was very sad to see they mowed down the 3 big fields. Screw the insects, mice, hedgehogs and roedeer I guess. I don't understand why we can't just let nature be. I did find a cool feather, probably from a sparrowhawk. My…
  • The daily card:
  • Hello Shape Shifters. I had a fairly quiet day. Despite sleeping for almost 10 hours I still felt like hot garbage in the morning so I didn't go for my walk. I did move all my furniture on the rugs, vacuumed, mopped everywhere and then put it all back again. In the afternoon Tinus needed his next painkiller shot so we…
  • @DaffyGirl88 That is some crappy news while on vacation, but thank gosh they actually called you though 4 days isn't very speedy. I hope your insurance will cover the repairs and that everything will be alright. Lazy Mondays are totally understandable. I had the same this morning and slept almost 10 hours! :smiley:
  • The daily card:
  • Hello Shape Shifters. I had a long morning walk with my camera. Sadly very little to see, though I did find little owls in the village. Since we are getting some hot days, I put up the small shade cloths for 4 bedroom windows and 2 big ones downstairs to cover the kitchen and living room windows. I did two loads of…
  • Missing a bunch of weigh ins this week. Please check in asap. @babytis @cre804 @partyof7 @tatilove1988 @alleykat69
  • @CasandraW No worries at all, I wasn't offended and you weren't blunt. Guess I wasn't very clear either. I never considered that you thought I had no purpose! It was a good suggestion since it is a struggle for a lot of people. The things about my cat etc are true, but they feel small to me. I have a hard time putting…
  • Just wanted to chime in here. There is nothing wrong with mostly lurking! There are plenty of people who only come here for the weigh in/steps. If you enjoy reading along and get something out of the group, even with just the weigh in, then do stick around!
  • The daily card:
  • Hello Shape Shifters. I had a long walk with my camera this morning. The weather was a bit weird. It was supposed to be sunny, but instead there was a very hazy sky with almost no sun. The temperature was good though. I basically didn't see any birds at all which was a bummer. I have noticed that a lot of the time when I…
  • @CasandraW Thank you for your reply! Asking the easy questions hey, lol. I think sense of purpose is a hard one for a lot of people and you are right; I don't have one. For me the problem is my chronic fatigue. It makes it nearly impossible to do any sort of volunteer work or even a fun thing just for me at a set day/time.…
  • Hello Shape Shifters. Yesterday was a very good day. I got my steps done as usual, did my gym rings workout, leg raises, the dishes and I cooked! The only thing I didn't do is a naturewalk. I was having a mild migraine and felt dizzy and sick most of the day, so taking that into consideration, I think I got a lot done. I…
  • The daily card:
  • @lauren_989 nancyinmo from the Shape Shifters would like to be removed from the group. She is currently in the goal zone. Didn't give a reason; reported her weight and said this would be her last post. Thank you.
  • @PatriceFitnessPal I forgot to thank you for this nice reply. I really appreciate it. I am just trying to get a perfect day because it is much easier to keep it going after that. I have been doing better, but no perfect day yet! I will not try today, I will make it happen. <3 I hope you like the bird app! I generally hate…
  • The daily card:
  • Good morning Shape Shifters. Woke up not feeling too great yesterday. Not enough sleep, very tired and my head hurt so I decided to stay home. It worked out all right since at 8:15 a guy showed up to inspect the house. I rent my place and they want to make the houses more sustainable so this company was hired to decide…
  • Hello Shape Shifters. Yesterday the weather was pretty decent, though it was pretty windy. I recently downloaded the Merlin Bird ID app which has been a lot of fun. They have a sound ID option where it will listen for birds, analyse the sound patterns and tell you what you are hearing. The name of the bird that is…
  • The daily card:
  • @Krysless2 You reported your Sunday steps as 5852 yesterday and today you wrote 6046. Which one is it?
  • Hello Shape Shifters. I hope you are all doing well! Just for transparency sake; I will be moving to support for a little while. Things are not going well here. I am still going for walks and doing my gym rings and steps, but mentally I am not doing too hot and my food remains a mess. With the pressure of weighing in for…
  • The daily card:
  • @lauren_989 Please move PatriceFitnessPal from the Shape Shifters back to the regular team, currently on support. And Pupowl (it's me :smiley: ) would like to be moved to support for a while, things are not going well. Going to take a break for a month or so. Thank you!