Kitty2Katz Member


  • I've been retaining water 💦 the last two weeks and my feet are swollen pretty bad.😟 This has caused my weight to go up drastically. 😭 Yesterday, I started to slowly add walking back into my daily routine, and as soon as I'm able to I'll add exercise videos. Have to be careful because of bad knees. I reinjured my left knee…
  • Anyone who wishes to be friends is more than welcome to either send me a friend request, or if you don't know how just let me know here and I'll send you one as soon as possible. 😺
  • Have sent everyone a friend request? Hope everyone is doing good. 😺
  • Thank you @Megan_smartiepants1970!
  • @Megan_smartiepants1970, I've decided that I'm going to start my steps again. Can you please put me back on challenge. I'll either post steps each evening or the next morning. Thanks Kitty 😺
  • MFP has given me a high calorie allmont nearly 2,000 calories a day. I can't not eat that amount and lose weight. I've been trying to do this amount, but it's to high and I'm not losing, mostly staying put. Today, I'm going to start with a calorie amount of 1,500 and see how I do at this amount. Eat this amount or under,…
  • MFP has given me a high calorie allmont nearly 2,000 calories a day. I can't not eat that amount and lose weight. I've been trying to do this amount, but it's to high and I'm not losing, mostly staying put. Today, I'm going to start with a calorie amount of 1,500 and see how I do at this amount. Eat this amount or under,…
  • I'll be glad when Oct 28th gets here, I'll have a brand new talking scale. Even though I weigh in the 200s, it weighs up to 500 lbs. Hopefully, it will show my true weight better than the old scale. I need a tallking sbcale because I have vision problems, and this is the only talking scale I could get. It won't be…
  • I'll be glad when Oct 28th gets here, I'll have a brand new talking scale. Even though I weigh in the 200s, it weighs up to 500 lbs. Hopefully, it will show my true weight better than the old scale. I need a tallking sbcale because I have vision problems, and this is the only talking scale I could get.
  • I'll be glad when Oct 28th gets here, I'll have a brand new talking scale. Even though I weigh in the 200s, it weighs up to 500 lbs. Hopefully, it will show my true weight better than the old scale. I need a tallking scale because I have vision problems, and this is the only talking scale I can get.
  • @azkunk, What is this ring streak? That you mentioned often in your comments.
  • Just checking in! It's Monday the beginning of a whole new week and a chance to renew your commitment to yourself and what your hoping to accomplish on your journey. No matter what we are going through in are weight-loss journey. There's nothing we can't accomplish, If set our minds to it. Wishing everyone the very best on…
  • I'm in, Thank you @GrandmaJackie.
  • I had gained (4.6 lbs) 😥 because I over ate the other day when I was upset about a new medical diagnosis, 😷 🤕 This morning I have lost (3.4 lbs) of the gained weight. 😸 Still have (1.4 lbs) of gained weight to lose. It only took one meal for me to gain (4.6 lbs) (was on Oct 8th). Today is the start of the 3rd day trying to…
  • I had gained (4.6 lbs) 😥 because I over ate the other day when I was upset about a new medical diagnosis, 😷 🤕 This morning I have lost (3.4 lbs) of the gained weight. 😸 Still have (1.4 lbs) of gained weight to lose. It only took one meal for me to gain (4.6 lbs) (was on Oct 8th). Today is the start of the 3rd day trying to…
  • Thank you, @jillsmith8297, I appreciate the gesture. 😸 I just need to take one day at a time, and continue to focuse on my over health which includes working to get this exess weight off. Losing the excess lbs I believe will help to improve my health in the long. 💞
  • Thank you! @lindamtuck2018, I think it's important for me to stay where I have some support and encouragement. Not just directly, but through the comments of others on their own journey both highs & lows of what their going through. Thank you again Linda ❤️ it has been a tough week. I agree treats during the holidays are…
  • Kitty2Katz October. Week 2 PW: 283.2 CW: 288.6 (+5.4) ⬆️ Sorry team. 😩 When I got another medical diagnose that wasn't good, I was extremely upset and very emotional. When I'm emotional I overeat. Sorry, to let y'all down. 😞
  • @looneycatblue, Thank you.
  • Thank you! @Mondowefte, I do to. It's all in God's hands, and I need to trust in him to see me through it. 😺
  • Welcome! Sent everyone a friend request! 😺
  • Username: Kitty2Katz Weigh In Day: Saturday PW: 287.2 CW: 288.6 (+1.4) ⬆️ I knew there would be a gain. 😩 When I'm really upset about something, I tend to over eat. It's ok today's a new day. LTD (Loss to Date): Before mfp (-111.4 lbs) Challenge: (-0.0)
  • @iHUSTLE4MUSCLE, Thank you! I hope I find healing too. That's way I was joking about I might eat treats. It's kind of hard to stay away from some holiday foods, 🦃🥧🍰 with or without family. I especially love homemade stuffing. 😺
  • @lindamtuck2018, Happy Thanksgiving!! 🦃 🦃 @iHUSTLE4MUSCLE & @azkunk, Since a live alone & have no family to spend the holidays with I don't have to worry detoxing after the holidays. But then again, I might be tempted to get me some kind of treats over the holidays. Who knows!! Lol 😺
  • @ABO215, & Captains of the Gutbusters. After talking with someone and giving it some thought I decided to stay in this challenge. If that is Ok with you. I was very emotional and upset about the new medical diagnosis yesterday, and didn't think things through. I need to stay focused as much as I can in regards to my…
  • @lindamtuck2018 and @Megan_smartiepants1970 After talking with someone and giving it some more thought, I've decided to stay in the group challenge . I really need to stay as focused as I can, and. I just don't know for sure if I can be here every day, but I'll try. Don't want to let my health problems get in the way of me…
  • I was diagnosed with another illness and I'm already loaded with them and they want me to go for treatment with another specialist and take more meds upon the meds I'm already taking it's just too much right now to deal with and keep up with my groups and everything else on mfp. I've decided to take a break for awhile and…
  • I was diagnosed with another illness and I'm already loaded with them and they want me to go for treatment with another specialist and take more meds upon the meds I'm already taking it's just too much right now to deal with and keep up with my groups and everything else on mfp. I've decided to take a break for awhile and…
  • I was diagnosed with another illness and I'm already loaded with them and they want me to go for treatment with another specialist and take more meds upon the meds I'm already taking it's just too much right now to deal with and keep up with my groups and everything else on mfp. I've decided to take a break for awhile and…
  • @lindamtuck2018 Thanks & that's a good idea. 1.I may go through some ups & downs, but I'm not quitter and I never give up. 2. I'm a kind/caring person.