Oh yeah. You gotta live. Isn't anyone dieting all year around. Just not possible.
Why wouldn't you have ice cream an cake. Lol
Ok, ok lol well we are all here for our goals. However you get it, just make sure you get it. 💪🏼
Well we worked hard all week. Make sure we enjoy it. Back to the diet tomorrow. 🤙💪🏼
Yup motivated
Yeah, I'm new to this community thing. I never even knew about it.. i used to log my stuff an get off.
Whats the best group for that? Any suggestions
I wanna start October.
message me with next months, just figured this app out, never knew you could communicate like this. Usually just tracked my stuff an got off.
Im a big fan of keto. Sugar is god awful for our bodies. When your on keto first couple weeks may be rough, but after that you just feel so good. Good for Inflammation.. etc