tictoerest Member


  • @psuLemon Maybe so, but I think most the bulking calculators I find on the web are way off. Sure, you need to eat a little more when you begin a weight training program. You're body requires that because it needs more energy, but how much more is the question? I think that's the part that takes some time to learn. Too much…
  • For a natural adult woman that is devoted around 5lb per year is what I read. It's a slow process and the fitness industry would have you believe otherwise so they can sell you their snake oil. It makes me think of learning an instrument. It takes years to get good at it. If you quit practicing, you won't get any better.…
  • @psuLemon No, I'm referencing the cycle of "bulking and cutting". Not bulking alone. Or cutting alone.
  • I would like to see a comparison of someone who doesn't go through the cycle of "bulking and cutting" to see how much of a difference there is in terms of body fat and strength gains. Is is that huge a difference or is it minuscule?
  • The mainstream media/press and television is propaganda and rot. I stopped watching television years ago. I removed by television from my living room. It's a waste of time and controls you more than you think. They are very good about subliminal messages. If you tell a lie to someone over and over again they will…
  • @sardelsa No, I'm not Sal. Gaining weight because you're underweight is a different subject. That's why I said, "It's best to just stay at a healthy weight." What I'm talking about is the cycle of bulking and cutting which is nonsense. People will yo yo diet where they fatten up and then lower their calorie intake to get…
  • No. Bulking and cutting is for drug users. It's not for people who want to stay healthy. You don't need to go on yo-yo diets to get muscular and lean. It's not healthy for the body or mind. Just eat healthy and maintain a healthy weight. A normal adult male can really only put on 5-10 lbs of muscle a year at most if he is…
  • I have discovered that bulking and cutting is bull crap. It really only benefits drug users because they have artificially high rates of protein synthesis. Plus yo-yo dieting and crash diets are not healthy. It's best to just stay at a healthy weight. You will put on muscle plus you will lean out. Instead of just putting…