sheraphc Member


  • Continuing to build on goals. Time to actually step on the scale....
  • Missed posting last week. Was away with my family. Still sticking to my no snacks after 8, but didn’t do so great on exercise. Steps weren’t bad though. Monday to Friday are consistently 8000-10000 steps per day.
  • This week is going great. I hit 10000 steps yesterday and almost 9500 today. The week is off to a fabulous start.
  • This week I’ll keep building on my goals: 1) no snacks after 8pm 2) exercise at least once 3) get 8000-10000 steps every day this week
  • Both goals achieved this week. No snacks after 8pm and I exercised at least once. I used my elliptical one night, and took a glorious one hour walk to the beach on Friday.
  • This weeks goal continue with no snack after 8... and I’ll try harder to add exercise.
  • So did great on the no snacks after 8pm...not so great on the exercise goal. Lots of steps but that’s just from work. All in all not a bad start for the first week.
  • Not been a bad week here. I’m working this holiday weekend, but still able to spend time with family. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
  • Love this idea. Honestly my eating habits are awful, so I’m going to start with no snacks after 8pm. I’m also going to try and get at least one exercise in this week.