Sipping on some coffee
The skinny, kid people picked on. Way to rise above!
That’s gonna be a pass
There is no way you are 50
BTB, bring that booty!
I'm still looking for some BFFF's (Best Fitness Friends Forever)
Always went to class and turned in all of the assignments on time.
I’ve done lots of things, ree , lactate, threshold, v02max, sweat test, body comp, I’ve had detailed running and cycling tests done. Um... I’m sure there are more. It’s all interesting. I would say for general well-being the resting energy expenditure test is the most valuable. Especially if you can have a sit-down with a…
What does that consist of? Isn't maximum power exerted over a very short period of time (i.e. vertical jump). power=force/time
Not unless our lives depended on it.
No thanks
Why yes!
I’m always working I should log in sometime when I’m not, but who wants to use leisure time to post on here am I right!
I hope you like mustaches!
Will you be my friend?
I would catch that blown kiss, and see if I can’t get a little more 😊
Probably not
I would accept if only to find out what the “A” stands for.
Hi, do you wanna be my friend?
Who wants to be my new bff?
True, I gotta have that Java! TNP is a level 11 wizard in dnd
Of course!
I think I’m gonna have to pass
somebody wrote all over your back!
I take showers, but I do enjoy classical music, so half right. TNP likes to prance around in nothing but high heels