If that investment firm was smart they would rent mfp instead of purchasing. They would save millions that way.
When they come back with a new identity but also the same tired lame takes on everything. Makes me literally want to pull my hair out. Or at least what hair I have left LMFAO.
Thank you. Yes, my little orange muffin is a Himalayan mix. She won't usually pose for pictures like this but my lady friend caught this moment and I love this shot.
It would be easier to list the handful of places that I haven't been. I'm the alpha and omega of travel.
This is me with my fluffy orange muffinpuss.
If your not a cat person we won't last to long. I have 5 cats in my palacial upstate resort. One beautiful female visitor of mine recently insulted my feline matriarch, Mrs. Short tail and I had to ask her to leave before she even finished her morning coffee and I didn't even offer to pay for her Uber. I don't play around…
Hola! How are my favorite people doing today? It's been a long time.
I like twins. Especially if they're taller than me. I'm a lot for just one woman, so I like to have a backup. Just in case.