goal for December 24 hours Dec 1 -- 2 hours (l hr strength training, l hour Tai Chi)
For many 2020 has been the worse year of their lives. For me it has been a reevaluation of what is important in my life. I am very blessed that I am retired and am comfortable. I am not rich by any standards but I am not hungry nor in fear of being homeless. I have found small ways to give back during this year, I…
what kind of sauce do you use?
Cookies -- and we are coming into the holiday season where cookies abound. Plus there is something about making cookies and giving them away (and of course sampling them)
Hello, I am not great at using boards, but I am giving it a try. I guess what I have learned in my first week is to be aware of what I am putting into my body and learning to live with the decisions I make. The most telling part is realizing that I do not need as many calories as I thought I did and feel satisfied with the…
hi where did you find the podcasts? I am new to this site. I am involved in a one month study at the University of Florida tracking my weight. So far, I am doing well, but I know the newness will wear off at some point in tracking, so having reasons to motivate me to track would be helpful. I am starting with tracking and…