sassygirly86 Member


  • Good luck on your journey. I wish you a speedy and safe recovery from surgery.
  • Thank you and congrats on losing the weight. Right now I'm enjoying the fact that I don't have any of the junk food or fast food cravings as I did before. I also like how much money I am saving by not going out to eat everyday. I've heard the cravings comeback and by that time I hope I can find a way to control them…
  • That's is what i'm so afraid of as I'm going through this is gaining and stretching my stomach back again because I go back to old habits and I ask myself if I will I be able to notice soon enough to stop it or how can I possibly avoid it? It's a struggle and logging in everything has been helping me out and it keeps me…
  • I wish you the best during your surgery and recovery. Great job on losing 50lbs before surgery. Safe journey. and Yes I agree with Eat to live!
  • *******Thank you so much for sharing your story and words of advise @kalchthaleri. I really appreciate it.Thinking that being super thin will eventually make me super happy and people will find me worthy and attractive is something I've definitely thought about everyday and I've been working on eliminating that negative…
  • how can i reply to someone specifically to here? You all have wonderful stories and different journeys that are inspiring. Thank you for sharing.
  • That's great. I ended up putting my water in a 32 oz Starbucks cup and it works best somehow lol. Once you have the surgery though you will not be able to drink so much of water at a time. It will be sipping slowly and waiting 5 minutes between every 1 oz drank. I think that's why I find it difficult specially if I am…