limevodka22 Member


  • Thanks all! I think you may be right about seeing a professional re: pain but realisticly I won't be able to do that for a few weeks so hopefully these things will tide me over and maybe getting proper chair and desk setup will mitigate the worst of it. Health insurance kicks in in July and I'm pretty sure it covers a…
  • That's a good point re: balancing! I'll definitely start on those: i don't imagine I'll just snap back to normal even once I get a decent work setup so these are great to start focusing on the muscles that need it! I miss going for walks so the sooner I get this pain sorted the better!
  • More friends always welcome! I'm based in Ireland, 32 and I'm looking to lose about 120 lbs, so basically an entire person :#
  • okay this sounds AMAZING. I've never had pickles in egg before so I'm excited to try this!
  • I might try that! Dinner is mostly chicken/fish and veg for now but I might make a few stews or pasta dishes instead .