petsounds23 Member


  • The feed was a great way to interact with the people we CHOOSE to be friends. I used it every day and that was the fun part of using MFP. What genius thought up the idea that it was rarely used? BAD DECISION. 😡
  • I feel your pain. Unfortunately at our age hormonal changes have a lot to do with belly fat. Pre-menopause I had a flat stomach and was a perfect weight. Menopause started and I blew up like a balloon especially in my belly. I’m going to ask my doc to do more extensive bloodwork next time to see what all may be off, such…
  • Yes! It has been much harder at 64 than when I was younger. Our metabolisms naturally slow down. Women who go through menopause lose hormones and tend to squire belly fat that we have never had before. And just the fact that our bodies are older makes it harder to do some exercises. All these are contributors.