ace17911 Member


  • Well my blood work came in and after close to a month of working out my alt dropped to 107 about 50 point, and my ast dropped by 4 points. I'm glad to see a decrease and it seems that my lifestyle changes are showing! Gotta keep moving!
  • RunningWithBees good for you! Thanks for sharing and your wishes!! Amazing story and I hope I can achieve the same with my liver and overall health. I use to be skinny in highschool and was even in cross country and sports I'n my 20s. I just got a rough patch in the road in life and things got bad, but now I have to make a…
  • Hello L1zardQueen thanks for your reply! I'm in the process of seeing a liver doctor and they prescribed me Topamax to decrease appetite and I'm in the processing of planning to see a dietician. I hope that your husband and I can completely reverse this. I heard that it can be reversed, the ideal weight for my height is…