VicDis2021 Member


  • I think health, fitness and weight all intertwine in complicated ways. It is very possible to make healthy food choices, be active, be fat and be generally healthy. But fat definitely comes with some health risks at the same time. It is very possible to be slim, be slothful, make poor food choices and be generally…
  • The app seems fine to me for logging entries, but very clunky and slow when it comes to these forums.
  • As is said above, the social aspect is wonderful. And the weekliness of the meetings helps bring a rhythm to your weightloss life that is helpful. But it is very much a nanny state system now. It awards "healthy" foods way lower points than less healthy foods, even if the calories are the same. That gets frustrating.
  • I just quit WW a couple weeks ago. I enjoyed the meetings, but as others have said, the punishment mindset, and the fake point calculation drove me nuts. Also the MFP diary is way more extensive and easier to use.