jennbo03 Member


  • My 16 year old son and I started 4 weeks ago and today was our weigh in. So far total he lost 7 pounds that includes 2 pounds today. Me on the other hand I lost 5 pounds and nothing today. I'm sticking to my fitpal calories intake, it's the exercises that's giving me a hard time. I have several health issues that limit my…
  • Hello!! I'm a repeater! Hopefully this time is the charm. I need to set an example for my 16 year old son. He is also doing fitpal. He has 4 heart conditions and has about 50 pounds to lose. I lost 20 so far with 80 more to go he and lost 20 so far too!! We started fitpal a week ago to try to keep us on track.
    in New here Comment by jennbo03 March 2021