I should say I round it out with fruits, not fury (although there’s some of that too😀
I know that this isn’t the most nutritious way but I’ve only had success using packaged foods so there is concern about no measurement errors. A Lean Cuisine is 280 calories, a prepackaged 100 calorie pack of almonds is ...100 calories (I hope), etc I round it out with fury it’s and veggies but know I could be a lot…
Wow, so happy I stumbled upon this thread. I am 5”4 and have a budget a bit higher, but not by much - 1250. It kills me that if I have two glasses of wine on Friday night, it blows my day and week! My husband (6”3) eats a full on Turkey Sandwich and MFP treats it as a snack!!! Good luck everyone and would love to hear what…
Hi everyone. I’m new here and looking for advice. (Not sure if I’m in the right place for weight loss questions ..but here goes.) I’m a 53 year old New Yorker. I keep trying to lose the 15 lbs l’ve put on since my son was born (8 years ago!) and having very little progress. I’m working with a trainer 3x a week so I’ve seen…