lmf1012 Member


  • @Megan_smartiepants1970 7/17 steps 3,194
  • @lindamtuck2018 lmf1012 PW 140.2 CW 139 @Megan_smartiepants1970 7/16 steps 2,275
  • @Megan_smartiepants1970 7/16 steps 3,314 Scale was UP this morning, though I am at a friend's for the weekend and had to bring one of the scales I use for the Omada program I am in, not my regular scale. Bringing two scales would probably make me look crazier than I already am! Not sure what tomorrow's number will be. As…
  • @Megan_smartiepants1970 7/14 steps 2,104 ugh. not moving this week is killing my mood
  • So... you basically want to lose a bit more than 6 pounds a week. First, that is NOT a healthy rate of loss, it is far too fast. It is likely to lead to regaining if what you do to lose that weight is not sustainable. Second, even if you were very morbidly obese, losing that much each and every week is pretty unlikely.…
  • @drollings2019 I had to research why some of my walks counted towards exercise minutes and some did not. Apparently you have to maintain a certain pace for the walk to count. Not sure if that helps or not.
  • @Megan_smartiepants1970 7/13 steps 2,174
  • Concept2 is considered to be the go-to brand, that is what I got for my home gym.
  • Good morning. @Megan_smartiepants1970 7/12 steps 4,455 Ugh, I hurt myself jogging the other night so did not walk last night and am taking a few days off of exercise to rest so my steps will be awful the next few days.
  • You look amazing!! Fantastic work!
  • If you stay in a calorie deficit, what time you eat does not matter. You will lose weight.
  • I am still a work in progress.. 26.6 lost and 15-20 to go. I have already seen great progress with this just with losing weight, which I have only been doing since March 30th. I expect with more weight loss and with time, I will be pretty happy with the result. For the record, I am 48 years old (5'4") and have had 3 kids.…
  • So you lost 4.3 last week and 3 this week. WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?! You should write a book / start a website lol and sell this! And share it with us for free first lol
  • This certainly is an interesting discussion. There are as many circumstances for obesity as there are obese people and one piece of legislation or a few ideas cannot tackle each one. I think there has to be a multi-faceted approach that tackles as many "groups" as possible as each one has unique factors they face toward…
  • Congratulations @amymartin555, @Megan_smartiepants1970 , and @Aqualang26! @Megan_smartiepants1970 7/11 steps 10,904 Shopping for office clothes over the weekend was a bust. I ended up only finding one top at Kohl's. Need to figure out where else to try. I got started late on my walk last night because I had to charge my…
  • Getting back on here is a great start, keep coming on here daily for both logging and to read/post on the boards. It does help. Whatever you do, no matter the setbacks along the way, don't give up. Reflecting on how you got where you are can be a good exercise but do not linger too long. See what you can learn about…
  • Great job! I had a pretty good month in June - I missed 4 days. I have already missed 2 days in July so I will have to shoot for August to be a perfect month. Keep up the good work!
  • Good morning! @Megan_smartiepants1970 7/10 steps 11,888 (a micro-Megan lol) Scale was the same today, so no new decade just yet. Someone wants me to have more practice with patience I guess lol Thrift shopping netted a few things but nothing for the office, which was the purpose of shopping. It may require a trip to the…
  • @lindamtuck2018 lmf1012 Weigh in day: Saturday PW 141 CW 140.2 LTD 25.8 @Megan_smartiepants1970 7/9 steps 9,228 I am soooooo close to the 130s I can taste it! I was hoping for this morning but will have to wait and see what tomorrow brings. I was informed I need to start going to the office in two weeks. I can at least…
  • @TheWaistBasket 29 lbs!!! Yeehaw!! That is awesome, I trust you’re feeling positive and recognizing your accomplishment.
  • Good morning! Made it Friday of another long week, whew! Under my calories yesterday, lifted weights, and took my walk. @Megan_smartiepants1970 7/8 steps 8,772
  • First, 12 in one month is fantastic! It is quite fast actually, yes even at your size. The changes you are making have to be for life, not just for the relatively short period of time it will take to lose the weight. You want to keep it off don't you? It is so very easy to want to lose the weight quickly once we resolve to…
    in Depression Comment by lmf1012 July 2021
  • Good morning team! Way to go on week 1, we smashed it! @Megan_smartiepants1970 7/7 steps 8,029
  • Good morning, just checking in. Just another day. Work, eat, walk. lol @Megan_smartiepants1970 7/6 steps 10,859
  • Good morning, trying to get back to normal routine. I ate a bit over plan on Sunday but tracked in a deficit still. Unfortunately I was up on the scale this morning for some reason, who knows. Bodies are weird lol. I know it will go back down. @Megan_smartiepants1970 7/4 steps 4,879 7/5 steps 11,558
  • 7/2 8,583
  • @Megan_smartiepants1970 7/3 steps 9,936
  • @lindamtuck2018 Nice job with the green check marks AND the steps! lmf1012 Weigh-In: Saturday PW: 143.6 CW: 141 (this was a very pleasant surprise!) LTD: 25lbs @Megan_smartiepants1970 Happy to see the scale is getting on board with your program! 7/2 steps 8,583 I did not let yesterday's "hangover" derail me, despite the…
  • So, at the ripe old age of around 38 after having my youngest child, I set out determined to lose close to 50lbs and did so with what I thought was relative ease at the time. Over the years I have gained most of it back and over the last 3 or so years have made a few attempts to drop the pounds again but ran into that “why…
  • Remain calm, this is beyond normal. I have eaten at a calorie deficit EVERY day for the last 3 months. I weigh myself daily and track the data points via an app and keep an eye on the overall trend. I have seen an increase on the scale 19 times. Bodies are complex and so many things play a role in our weight on any given…