Wonderful job! You look great! Now to adjust to the long term... thats where I think I'll find moderation and a good intake level.
Amazing work and such attention to detail 👏
Awesome work!
Wow! I love your hair length in the second pic, did you cut it? You look like a whole new woman! Congrats 👏 you've done amazing 👏
Amen! Its a wonderful accomplishment 👏
What an encouragement 👏 you're doing great 👍
What dedication 👏 Did you log daily? What was your calorie range? I started out at the same weight! I wonder if I will feel the same at 250 also? I thought I may just be good there too.... we will see! You look great!
What an amazing story of fight and courage! You are proof that there are no excuses!
add me!
Add me!
Me too!
If you have a open diary, friend me :) I have 100 to lose!
You can do it. Visualize it and think positive!
You are a wonderful example none the less!