dralicephd Member


  • I've been hitting it pretty hard lately with the long elliptical session and quite a bit of heavy yard work. I've been sore so I took a total rest day yesterday. A sloth day, really.. sat around and read all day. :smile: Anyway, today its time to start again. The kid and I went on another neighborhood walk over the big…
  • I don't plan on making the long sessions a habit either. I'd rather go on a long walk or hike. It just worked out for my plan to eat a bunch yesterday. And it worked, as I only went over my daily calories by 30 despite the giant brownie hot fudge sundae! I'm impressed with your ability to keep that speed for as long as you…
  • I found the limit of my elliptical today. Apparently, it won't go beyond 99:99 minutes, at which point it makes you restart the program. :D Since there will be ice cream madness in my future later today (and because, why not?), I decided to go for a long one today. I did 6 "miles", in mostly Zone 2 (small bit into Zone 3…
  • lol... Perhaps you could suggest that he donate the current pants and buy new ones at a thrift store. It won't feel wasteful if he's just simply "trading them in", right? Tell him that there are probably other, larger men that have lost weight and need his size. Not only is BL saving money and not being wasteful, but he's…
  • Good idea, @AnnPT77 ! I can give you a first impression update for now. Unexpectedly, I'm finding the sleep tracking pretty fascinating. I have no idea how accurate it is, but I can tell you that at the very least, it picks up my nighttime hot flash awakenings. It doesn't always pick up the right time for when I fall…
  • I suppose I should close out this thread with a final update. I continued on the ~1450-ish calories + exercise plan and reached my goal! Starting weight July 2021: 173 lbs. (BMI 26.6) Current weight: 143 lbs. (BMI 22.4) 30 pounds in about 10 months! :smiley: Non-scale victory: I started with a max time on the elliptical of…
  • oooo..... I'm going to have to look for empress and winter grey varieties. Those sound lovely. Earl Grey and English Breakfast are my "go-to" teas, but a cinnamon version just sounds like a nice change of pace.
  • Now that my schedule has changed for the summer and the weather is nice, I've switched to doing more yard work and outside stuff (walks, badminton, etc.). It's great, but I am SORE. Different muscles than the elliptical, I guess. Anyway, the kid and I did an almost 3 mile neighborhood walk this morning up and down a big…
  • I was thinking the same thing. As someone who has actually had a full-blown anxiety attack in a cave once, I have trouble looking at those pictures. :D Having said that, @drmwc I'm glad you are having fun! I can appreciate finding some exercise that feels like recreation, not work. Good for you! (Also, your meadow walk…
  • Garden workouts are the best. :) I mowed our badminton/play field today with a push mower. It took 30 minutes and my watch said the total distance was a half mile. (And most of it I spent in HR zone 3!) Love it when exercising also gets stuff done around the house!
  • Wow! Elliptical marathon! I feel like you should get a medal for that. 😀
  • Ok, I think I'm ready for maintenance. It's been 10 months and I've lost 30 pounds. I could probably lose some more fat, but I'm reasonably happy with my current weight (143 lbs., @ 5'7") and with summer approaching, I'm ready for more snacking calories. :D Basically, I need a diet break. I plan to spend the summer…
  • Tired and sore today (probably from the rock moving yesterday), but my watch was prompting me to do some cardio. I opted for the watch-led dynamic mobility program. It was pretty fun and a good stretch for the hips. Stats: 25 min., all HR zone 2 and below. Have a great weekend everyone!
  • Moved some rocks around the yard for a few minutes and then later went on a short walk (mostly to test my new fitness watch). 30 minutes, about ~1.75 miles, gentle incline - mostly Zone 2, but a small dip into Zone 4 when my kid and I ran up some steps, I tripped and almost face-planted. My lightning-fast reflexes saved…
  • And..... got my new fitness watch today, so I had to try it out. I did a short strength training session of upper body only. :smiley:
  • Missed yesterday's workout because life got in the way (fun stuff, at least). But I woke up way too early (stupid nighttime hot flashes!) and couldn't go back to sleep, so I'm just feeling off today. But I persevered and got my tired butt on the elliptical. I managed an hour, 3.2 miles, about half of that in zone 3, the…
  • Update: After much debate, I finally landed on a Polar Vantage M. Since it is an older model, I found a decent deal on Amazon. I went back and forth between Polar and Garmin, but the good price and the fact that I wouldn't have to learn a new app (I'm using Polar's app with my chest strap) is what swayed me. I don't need…
  • I did about an hour of light gardening this morning (cutting the spent spring bulb leaves to the ground.. see you next year!). After a pretty lazy day, I felt like moving some more but I didn't want to overdo, so I did a slow, easy 30 minutes on the elliptical (Zone 2 and below.. only 1.5 miles).
  • Why do you want to exercise? If you can answer that for yourself, then you will be able to kick your own bum into action. :) Also, everything @AnnPT77 said. <3
  • @SavageMrsMoose I think the bottom line is that you are going to have to experiment and see what works for you. Clearly, what you are currently doing ISN'T working if you land in "screw it, I'm giving up" town, right? There's no shame in that, BTW. I know I've been there MANY times over the years. What worked for me this…
  • @bojaantje3822 The struggle is real! Hang in there and rest when you need it. The "old standby" for me today: 45 minutes on the elliptical; ~2.6 miles; HR mostly in Zone 3, with a few dips into Zone 4 (I think when I was laughing at the video I was watching :D ). Followed up with my small strength training routine. I was…
  • It is very overwhelming. I have to really think about what I want before I make a purchase. Some of them are super expensive. I think I might go look at some at a store and see if the displays and size might help me decide.
  • Thanks everyone!! I appreciate the input. Time to shop... :)
  • Definitely taking a rest day today. My muscles are tired. Not sore, but tired. I guess my long elliptical session on Wednesday was a bigger deal than I realized. Yesterday's workout was stunted and I'm still tired today. @bojaantje3822 I completely relate to feeling restless on rest days. I want to move, but the older I…
  • 45 min. elliptical... about 2.6 miles, mostly Zone 3. I had to leave it at 2.6 and not go for 3 because I'm tired today. I followed with some upper body strength training. Looking forward to a couple of rest days. I need them, I think.
  • Thanks again for the wise words @springlering62 .... and bonus points for the Lord of the Rings reference. :D
  • There is birthday cake at work for a coworker today. Normally, I would have a small slice, log it, and move on. However, because I had a pizza and cake extravaganza for a family member last night, I just walked on by that office cake today. The victory is that I didn't fall into the "Well, I messed up this week, so might…
  • Adding a pillow between your knees helps. :smile: This is pretty common as people lose weight in their legs. I think it has to do with the angle of your legs (and the thigh bone in the hip joint) when you have less leg mass. It does get better over time. (At least it did for me.)
  • Thank you! I don't generally like going that long (it's boring.. haha), but hiking season is upon us, and I want to get used to a longer effort. I don't know how accurate the mileage on my machine is, but it really doesn't matter. It's just another benchmark for me to watch my progress over time. Yes, the no pounding of…
  • It's getting hot where I live and have started wearing shorts again. I have pairs of several sizes, and all of them seemed too big. The pair I landed on today fits perfectly at the waist, but is loose in the thighs (walking length). I just looked at the size: Size 10. It took me a minute for that to sink in. This is a pair…