@Sijomail - I am 65 right now and my goal is to loose 10 kgs
@Sijomail - It shows me 1660 calories/day when I set it to maintain the current weight with no exercise
@Sijomail - I found the way to update my goal settings but it recommends to have 1200 calories per day
Thank you so much for the answers. @Sijomail. I had put my goal as 54 Kgs at the time of registration on the app but now I can nowhere find it.
Which protein powder should I go with? I am lacking around 35-40g of protein daily and don't want to increase the calorie count
Yes, I am a vegetarian. I eat milk and milk products but not eggs and meat. My height is 5.2 feet, age 32, current weight - 65.4 Kgs, Female